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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Pretty as a Package

Oh Sock Crates...such a charming fellow... ha, just kidding :)
A socratic seminar gave birth to the idea that everyone who is supposed to complete a "perfect project" by creating a Utopia realizes Utopias in the sense of their assumed definition can't really exist. hallejuah. Utopias can't be created to fill the ideas which each individual has of perfection because people can't live in harmony, under one set of rules when they have vastly differing views. This was illustrated in the movie "Pleasentville" which was the topic of discussion of this seminar.

We see in color, not black and white. The world today is a global culture and we can't help but have many view of what perfection is...so their has to be a endless spectrum of color we see in... not just the set paint colors of black and white. Life is enjoyable when you are able to explore these things not when you are told to fit in a tidy little box that someone else sees as perfect. Utopic societies don't exist because they try to put too many people in ONE person's neat little box.

An example of a dsytopic theme would be one that I discussed with my very intellegent and open-minded adult friend. She and I both have a chronic pain nerve disorder which makes life vastly diffucult but also is very differing in how it presents itself in each person. I once went to her distraught because on a message board someone had said, "Ice will make your RSD worse." I had been using ice intermidely and was terrified that I'd set myself up for more pain. She said to me, Robin, RSD is an individual disease. Statements like that are for people who want things to fit in nice tidy boxes and we're just not those type of gals.

I'm not the type of gal to want a tidy box, so therefore I wouldn't fathom the existence of a "Utopia" because I reconize my pretty-mega-awesome box is not big enough for more than just me, not perfect to someone else in every aspect. It goes back, to individuals...
individuals that I now have illustrated as inhabiting gorgoreously, diversely wrapped gifts. Cute, I know!